Teenager (noun)
A person aged between 13 and 19 who is self-proclaimed to be ready for the world but is not ready for the maths test tomorrow
A stage when you believe you are smarter than your parents but are forced to live with them
Teenagehood has got to be one of the most complicated and difficult periods in your entire life.
From raging hormones and terrible acne to rules and restrictions that dont seem to manke any
sense. The cry for independence becomes louder each year.
But there is no need to fear, Teen Auxiliary is here to help you through one of the most testing
seasons in your journey as a child of God. From hot topic discussions to weekend socials, let us
help you to make sense of it all and position you to be the leader and example God has called
you to be.
Meet Our Leaders

The singles ministry is composed of singles (persons 18 and older who have never been married) and persons who were once married but are now widowed
The role of singles ministry is to empower single brothers and sisters to live a purpose-filled and productive life for Christ while embracing their singlehood.
We are committed to the spiritual and emotional growth and health of our members and aim to provide a space for development of faith, maturity, character and trust in the Lord.
Meet Our Leaders

'Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. '
Genesis 2:24
Marriage, what an honourable thing. A marriage is a holy covenant before God made through the union of one man and one woman which symbolises the relationship between Christ and His bride, the church.
Welcome to the Marriage Auxiliary, dedicated to strengthening and celebrating the marital relationships of our members. Our aim is to provide a place for couples to strengthen their faith, spend time together and learn from and with other couples through various marriage enrichment events.
Whether you are in your first, tenth, twentieth or fiftieth year of marital bliss, we are here to help keep the flames of your love constantly burning to the glory of God.