About Ministry
It is said that a great church is built from a great Sunday School. The role of the Sunday School department is to edify the people of God by the impartation of sound doctrine and the principles of godliness at any age and at every level. In doing so we facilitate the church reaching unity in the faith and knowledge of Christ so that we may grow in the full statue of Jesus.

Bethel Born Again Vacation Bible School (VBS)

The end of summer should still be fun!
BBA VBS is the place to learn about the Good News of Jesus Christ through fun and interactive activities all while making new friends and learning lessons to carry you through life.
The BBAC VBS is one of the church’s community outreach programs conceptualised and led by our Pastor Yvonne Codner. It is open to children aged 3-14 years old whether they are from the church or wider community.